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Airport Frisking - A Tempest In A Teacup
The lesser of two evils....

By Paul Tomori
Wednesday, November 24, 2010 at 14:19:31 (EST)

Ok... who wants to be frisked by a complete stranger at the security line at the airport? Not too many people, right? But who wants to be on a jet where someone may have strapped explosives to the inside of their underwear? Even fewer people I hope!

Are people's memories so short? It was just last Christmas day when the would-be underwear bomber tried to blow up a plane over the continental US.

Personally, I would pay more and subject myself to even more invasive screening if it meant my plane ride could be assured of safety. Until there is technology available to take us beyond these annoying and rudimentary security screenings, let's have some patience and respect for the procedure.

So, let's just view it for what it is. The friskdown at the airport is just the lesser of two evils... kind of like getting a flu inoculation. It's uncomfortable, but relatively quick and really not that painful. No one says you have to enjoy it. Just grin and bear it. It makes everyone safer.

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