BLOGNAME: LOUDER THAN WORDSAn informal, stream-of-consciousness reflection on business ideas, events and issues in modern business, modern life and with some specifics to the web-software industry by Paul Tomori, Internet Entrepreneur
Design Is Harder Than It Looks
By Paul Tomori
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 20:48:56 (EDT)
Everything is easy once you know how to do it, right?
Or maybe not.
I love to see creative people at their craft. All the tiny decisions that go into producing something where before there was nothing.
Question: So how tricky is it to design a magazine cover? Answer: How long is a piece of string?
It all depends what standard you set for the end goal.
What are your tolerances for imperfection? What are your resources? How dedicated are you to achieving your vision? Do you even have a vision?
Have a look at this video of the creation of a recent Macworld Cover. To any clients out there who wonder why design and programming costs so much, perhaps this will give you some insight:
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