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An informal, stream-of-consciousness reflection on business ideas, events and issues in modern business, modern life and with some specifics to the web-software industry by Paul Tomori, Internet Entrepreneur

Niagara Portal Websites Done and Under Development
progress update

By Paul Tomori
Friday, September 26, 2008 at 17:24:32 (EDT)

Just thought I would share some of our progress in developing the most comprehensive network of Niagara travel information sites on the net. In recent years, we have secured rights to several important domain assets, some of which we have developed into full blown websites and some of which are under development. We provide this work on behalf of several related companies to ACTION Corporation. In some cases, the sites listed below are reflective of subsidiary enterprises and in other cases, the sites reflect independent pursuits by related companies to ours. Below is where we are at:

  1. NiagaraBB.com - Our exclusive B&B Association for Niagara.
  2. NiagaraFallsHotels.travel - A membership of participating Hotels in Niagara using the GuestServe Reservations platform
  3. NiagaraFallsRestaurants.com - Yes, even restaurants are taking online reservations these days!
  4. WineriesOfNiagara.com - A directory of Wineries in Niagara
  5. CottagesOfNiagara.com - Following suit to our B&B Association, we also created an association of Cottages
  6. NiagaraFallsForYou.com (registered trademark) is our comprehensive Niagara Falls portal

And here's a sampling of sites we have under development:

Niagara.travel - comprehensive tourist information for all of Niagara
LundysLane.travel - a website we are building for the Lundys Lane BIA to replace their antiquated site
NiagaraOnTheLakeBB.com - currently in draft format as a way to showcase premium B&B operators in Niagara

If you would like to participate in any of these sites, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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