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An informal, stream-of-consciousness reflection on business ideas, events and issues in modern business, modern life and with some specifics to the web-software industry by Paul Tomori, Internet Entrepreneur

The View From 30,000 Feet
By Paul Tomori
Sunday, August 09, 2009 at 15:14:40 (EDT)

I recently wrote how the near-sightedness of getting entangled in petty local rivalries in business can really stunt one's economic growth. A similar myopia as to your own internal work efforts can totally cloud the path you should be taking. It's cliche, but if you can't 'see the forest for the trees', then getting lost in that forest is your well-deserved conclusion.

Here's to stepping back, perhaps on vacation, or perhaps by way of a daily escape ritual. I like long walks along water or in the woods. Time management guru, David Allen calls it "getting the view from 30,000 feet".

With the right perspective, simple solutions to complex problems can emerge. The objectivity that gets lost to those who are in the thick of something can best be recovered from stepping back.

When you do that, you might just find that your current business direction is heading you face first into an immovable wall.

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