mission statement - imagine the future - then create it
Reaction Internet Website Design, Website 
        Hosting, Website Maintenance website design, website hosting, website maintenance, 
        e-commerce, shopping cart systems, reservation systems, seo services
President's Message | Mission & Philosophy | Values

Mission & Philosophy

An Reaction-Oriented Mission
Our mission is to create, build and operate advanced e-business client services and companies.

A Philosophy Of Values
The potential for success starts with a plan.

Our philosophy is to pursue our Mission from a strict set of core values that include vision, integrity, performance, leadership, reliability, insight & resourcefulness. Read About Our Values Here

Below are seven ways in which we apply our values:

  1. Focus on the web user's experience and all else will follow.
    All of the work we do in developing our service lines must ultimately pass the test of web users. Online success is ultimately contingent on how well our services function for the web user. We must make their experience:
    1. simple and error-free
    2. fast and automated
    3. thorough

  2. Reduce all large-scale challenges to simple action steps.
    Question: How does one eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time. Between where a business is and where it needs to be is a chasm that can only be bridged by a series of small action steps. It's our business to define those steps and lead our clients accordingly.

  4. It's best to do one thing really, really well.
    Being good at what we do is not good enough. We must be great. Everything that we do - our designs, our hosting services, our promotion services, and more, are all centered around and supportive to providing the highest quality e-commerce transaction possible.

  6. Actions speak louder than words.
    It should come as no surprise that we would include this old adage in our philosophy statement. The modern cousin to this old saying is: "Under-promise and Over-deliver". There is no time for procrastination for businesses wanting to keep pace with internet growth. We will be "participants", not "spectators" in our role as an e-business service provider.

  8. To obtain results you have not yet achieved, you must adopt actions you have not yet taken.
    Exceptional success requires innovative strategies. To not be moving forward in e-business is to be moving backward. Companies who embrace the electronic business medium to speed up their own processes and remove inefficiencies are prospering. It is our purpose to be assisting them.

  10. Do or do not. There is no try.
    Winston Churchill's famed one sentence speech to a graduating class rings true in our business pursuits: "Never, never, never, never, never - give up". Minor course corrections? Okay. A complete change of plans? Still okay. But, never surrender to a desertion of the mission at hand. Never give up on the success of achieving the larger business objective. And in the words of Mark Twain, "if you think you can or think you can't, you're right".

  12. Do amazing things. Do them honorably.
    We strive to exceed expectations and to do so with integrity.

Enough said. Get the reaction you deserve from your website today.

Contact Reaction Internet consultant to begin the process for your e-business excellence.

Contact us today.

  Building Success One Step At A Time

There is a necessity of having a precise target to aim at in life: if the target is vague, the behavior or technology adopted to achieve it will be vague.

- Nathaniel Branden
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St. Catharines Ontario L2R 7J9

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Website: ReactionInternet.com

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